
Colin offers supervision, for clinical or managerial  staff, counsellors, therapists, teams, doctors, medical professionals, facilitators, through either individual or group supervision.

What is Supervision

The provision of a structured relationship in which a person can reflect critically on their work with the direction of a supervisor in order to grow as a person, practitioner and professional.

To provide a forum for the clinician being supervised to reflect on their internal processes and specific thoughts and feelings and actions during their work and how it impacts on the client group.

To create a context for reflection and learning from clinicians own professional and personal experience.

Colin will assist the supervisee to view the work, through a clinical rhombus developed by R Erkstein and RW Wallenstein, viewing the clients presented or supervisee through the therapeutic relationship, their relationship with agency, supervisor, therapist, community, society and environment.

Group Supervision
Colin has been providing supervision to groups and individuals working in a wide variety of positions, for many years now. 
Colin believes that supervision can be of benefit across all work environments and especially for front-line administration personnel in services such as healthcare, education, community work and police.
The themes discussed in the groups do have some commonalities no matter the work experience, including issues related to relationships with clients, colleagues and the culture in which supervisee’s work. Grappling with inconsistencies in terms of management styles, and understanding systemic and psychodynamic processes that hinder or assist the work being done are valid topics no matter the work environment.
It is important to see where responsibilities lie in order to determine what can be done to better manage and or change workplace practices.
Colin belives that supervision should also offer the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the wins, positives and successful outcomes achieved. Insight gained is as much about celebrating the wins as wrestling with conflicts.

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