Marriage & Couples Counselling

Couples counselling often takes one of three forms:

  • Facilitating healing and restoration of relationships
  • Dealing with separation and divorce
  • Assisting couples to move from a co-habiting to a co-parenting relationship

Re partnered couples,

Dealing with reconstituted or blended familes is a specialist task, many alliances and coalitions exist, sometimes overt and sometimes covert Colin can help you and your family develop a new way of relating and working together that holds a strong mutuality and co-operation.  

No matter what stage you are in, I can help you work through the issues and responses that create conflict, and produce the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Many couples put off counselling until the problems are deep seated. If your relationship is hurting, act now.

CONTACT ME to find out how you might be able to utilise Colins services and possible funding sources for funded sessions.

Business Couples

Managing the particular challenges of being both business and life partners

Do you work with your intimate life partner? Do you want your relationship to thrive so you can retire together, to enjoy your hard-earned rewards?

As a business couple, you are faced with maintaining your focus on the task of managing the business while at the same time maintaining your intimate connection and negotiating the changing stages of your family's life.

My commitment is to work with you to define your particular goals and aspirations as marriage and business partners, and to help you to achieve them. I will work with you to identify areas of conflict and limitation, and to develop new ways of relating to each other and to the business.

For more information or to book a session CONTACT ME TODAY >>

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